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Something To Think About

  • We differ, blind and seeing, one from another, not in our senses, but in the use we make of them, in the imagination and courage with we seek wisdom beyond the senses. -Hellen Keller

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December 07, 2012


Vicky Alberto

very inspirational - congrats!

jenn shurkus

i love this cheryl "During difficult times in my life I have notice that it is usually followed by growth or change. These same trials can transform your journey - leading you down an unexpected path. While it is true that the road is usually difficult in the end it often times turns into a blessing."

such true words :) thank you for being an inspiration all around and congratulations on your successes!!


Well put, friend. Keep strong, you're setting a wonderful example for those of us who backslide a little too often! :)

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